News & Press

Interview with Stockholm Metro about the IRIS™ rail technology


Interview by Swedish public radio P4.
Reporter: Felicia Danielsson, P4 Stockholm

A new alarm system will save lives in the metro. SL is testing a new technology with existing video cameras and artificial intelligence at 14 metro stations. The goal is to be able to save lives, but also to reduce unnecessary traffic jams.

Anders Strömberg from the public transport administration explains further:

“It is a video analysis system where we use the security cameras we have, together with an AI technology. The system notifies us when there is something on the track that should not be there. If so signal is sent to the operators at our security center, who can then take necessary measures.

So it is not the case that as soon as something comes down the track, everything is stopped?

“No. At our security center an operator will receive an alarm. They can then look at the video to determine if it is a real event or not. 

What is the goal with this new technology?

“The goal is to get alarms quickly, so that we immediately can see if a person goes down the track, or if any person or object due to an accident ends up there. This way we can stop the traffic. People on the rails is one of the most serious events that can occur to us and we want to do everything we can to prevent it.”



Stockholm public trasport (SL) has in an initial phase implemented IRIS™ Rail trespassing on 14 subway stations. They aiming to provide a more secure environment for both travelers, personel and rail conductors. The AI video analytics from Irisity will notify security staff if a person or object is on the rails in the subway system. An operator will then be able to assess the situation and if necessary stop the train. IRIS™ Rail is developed particularly for the subway and metro environment with all the challenges that entails. The system does not send alarms for trains or people entering or exiting the trains.