
News & Press

Check out the latest news and media about Irisity and IRIS™ technology. Get to know more about our partnerships, read about new collaborations and meet the team that makes it all happen.

IRIS School Guard in Gothenburg City

IRIS School Guard in Gothenburg City

During the last nine years, Gothenburg city has successfully restructured the safety and surveillance work at its many elementary schools by implementing intelligent video surveillance solutions. A successful project together with Irisity that has saved the city...

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Irisity and smart cameras

Irisity and smart cameras

Surveillance cameras that can identify hazards while they are occurring and send alarms to the alarm center. Through algorithm-based technology and artificial intelligence, the Swedish tech company Irisity creates smart cameras that can “think”. Article by Läget, Alva Nyström.

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Irisity and MOBOTIX enter into technology partnership

Irisity and MOBOTIX enter into technology partnership

Advanced deep learning capabilities fully autonomously on MOBOTIX cameras Irisity is developing an embedded version of IRIS to be integrated into the latest generation of MOBOTIX cameras resulting in a unique deep learning capable AI camera. Through the partnership,...

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New recruitment to the international sales team

New recruitment to the international sales team

Mats Berggren is the new Enterprise Sales Executive with main responsibility for the EMEA region Mats Berggren is an engineer with extensive international sales experience from advanced technology sales to large organizations. Mats is 58 years old and has more than...

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New partnership with camera manufacturer Axis

New partnership with camera manufacturer Axis

Irisity and Axis enter into partnership developing deep learning powered intelligent cameras Irisity AB (publ), an ADP, Axis Development Partner, has developed an embedded version of IRIS to be integrated into Axis TPU cameras resulting in a unique deep learning...

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