IPVM Video Analytics

ISC East, New York

Save your seat at the Irisity booth at ISC East where you can see IRIS+ live and in person. At booth #846, you can get a one-on-one demo of our innovative AI-powered video analytics platform.

November 16-17, 2022

New York

Intel® Conversations in the Cloud Irisity

Irisity expands into Mexico and Latin America

Irisity continues its international expansion to Mexico City, with the appointment of a new Regional Sales Manager for Mexico & NOLA. Irisity continues building its sales force and market presence globally, with offices in Sweden, Israel, the USA, Singapore, UAE, and now also CALA.


Mobotix Irisity webinar school

Axis and Irisity partner up to showcase AI video surveillance

Axis Communications and Irisity AB (publ) announce that they will jointly present an end-to-end, AI-driven video surveillance solution based on Axis IP cameras, Axis camera station (a video and access management software), and Irisitys IRIS – an AI video analytics software.

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Mobotix Irisity webinar school

Irisity enters the Milestone Technology Partner Program

The Milestone Technology Partner Program is a program for vendors offering applications, devices, hardware, and services that are complementary to the Milestone XProtect video management platform. As of 16th March 2021, Irisity is a part of the program.

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